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The Origins of the "Astrobabes"

Hello, and welcome to Astro-babes: the blog. We know this is a funny name, and so we thought we would begin by telling you how we got it.

Back in 2014, two wee Freshmen by the names of Marina and Jenny were in English class together. They soon realized they were both Astronomy and Physics majors, and have been best friends ever since. In 2015, a new tranfer student and Astronomy major named Nicole came along, and the three girls soon became everyone's #squadgoals. In January of 2016, the trifecta attended the biggest astronomical conference of the year, AAS. One night, there was an "Open Mic Night," where any of the conference attendees could perform. Jenny wanted desperately to do something for this, so she convinced Marina to lip-sync a song, while Nicole politely declined because she had more common sense than any of us.

"But whatever song should we lip-sync?" Jenny and Marina thought. And then it came to them: the previous semester, the three girls had taken a brutal Astronomy course and had been happy simply to make it out alive. When they finished the course, they all said, "We survived!" So naturally, there was only one song they could do, and that was "Survivor" by Destiny's Child.

And so Marina and Jenny dedicated this song to their Astronomy class they had taken, and they chose the stage name "Astrobabes." They gave the performance their all while Nicole filmed it, and it was a huge success. They even trended on Twitter for a whole 5 hours. It was the most awesome thing ever.

We decided that in addition to doing things like musical parodies, we wanted to share our love for Astronomy with the rest of the world, and demonstrate that it is INDEED possible to be beautiful, successful, and funny like Beyoncé, while still being some of the nerdiest females on this planet.

Oh, and this is that video...we apologize because you cannot unsee this...

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